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Welcome to the Foundations page.  Here you'll find everything you need to create a plan for physical readiness training.

Start by building a framework:



  • Hinge

  • Horizontal Pull



  • Squat

  • Vertical Push



  • Lunge

  • Vertical Pull



  • Move Under Load



  • Hinge

  • Horizontal Push

How to intelligently sequence activities for a single training day:

  1. Warm-up: general to specific; less to more dynamic

  2. Practice elements of motor fitness: agility, coordination, balance, power

  3. Train power

  4. Train strength

  5. Train muscular endurance

  6. Develop energy systems

    • anaerobic endurance​

    • aerobic endurance

  7. Recover

To better understand how to train the specific components of fitness, click here.

** Note: this is not a suggestion to train all elements of fitness in a single day.  Click here to see a sample week of integrated training.

Not sure which exercises to select?  Use the table below.  Exercises are listed from less advanced to more advanced.

Not sure what these movements look like?  Click here and search our video library.

bilateral hip thrust
band or strap assisted squat
forward lunge
(horizontal) HRPU / T push-up
(horizontal) DB/KB row
(resist) 2-point hold
single leg hip thrust
air squat
rearward lunge
(horizontal) DB bench press
(horizontal) bent-over row
(resist) banded lunge position
KB deadlift (single/center)
goblet squat
side lunge (cossack squat)
(horizontal) bench press
(horizontal) ring row
(resist) stir the pot
KB deadlift (unilateral)
DB/KB front squat (unilateral)
walking lunge (unloaded)
(horizontal) close-grip bench press
(horizontal) banded face pull
lunge and rotate
KB deadlift (bilateral)
DB/KB front squat (bilateral)
(horizontal) dip
(vertical) straight-arm pull
deep lunge and rotate
KB RDL (unilateral)
front squat
walking lunge (varied load carriage)
(horizontal) plyo push-up
(vertical) assisted pull-up
lunge position banded rotations
KB RDL (bilateral)
back squat
step-up (varied load carriage)
(horizontal) slide-board push-up
(vertical) pull-up
(dynamic) 4-way med ball rotations
pistol squat
walking lunge (overhead carry)
(vertical) DB/KB press
(vertical) chest-to-bar pull-up
(dynamic) rotational med-ball slams
zercher squat
jumping lunge
(vertical) overhead press
(vertical) ring pull-up
(dynamic) side-shuffle, sprint
good morning
overhead sqaut
bulgarian split squat
(vertical) push-press
(vertical) muscle-up
(dynamic) backwards run, sprint
single leg RDL
(vertical) hand-stand push-up

Strive to move with precision.

Precise Pattern 6, Hinge, train for ACFT
Precise Pattern 6, Squat, train for ACFT
Precise Pattern 6, Lunge, train for ACFT
Precise Pattern 6, Lunge, train for ACFT
Precise Pattern 6, Push, train for ACFT
Precise Pattern 6, Rotate, train for ACFT

Integrate Precision and Progression in a Comprehensive Plan

Precise Pattern 6, train for ACFT, ACFT Training Progressin

Use the "Category" drop-down menu to help you choose movements for each type of movement pattern.

Video Library

Precise Pattern 6 Progression

Precise Pattern 6 Progression

Precise Pattern 6 Progression
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Horizontal Push
Precise Pattern 6
Intro to Hinge

Intro to Hinge

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Hip Thrust

Hip Thrust

Play Video
Intro to Squat

Intro to Squat

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Need an example?

Sample Training

Sample Week of Training.  Focus: Trunk Stability and Anaerobic Endurance


Monday - Hinge & Horizontal Pull

Warmup.  3 rounds of: banded RDL (10 reps); knee-hug lunge-twist (10m); static inch worm (5 reps)

Develop. 3 sets of: glute bridge (15 reps) + ring row (10-12 reps)

Run Specific Warmup. 10m A-march, 10m hi-knees, 10m A-skip, 1x400m run @ 50%, 1x400m run @ 75%

Anaerobic Interval Training.  6x400m repeats @ 90% of max effort (1:4 work to rest ratio)

Cool-down.  5-10 minute jog or bike

Tuesday - Squat & Vertical Push

Warmup.  3 rounds of: spiderman crawl w/ elbow drop (10m); shoulder pass thrus w/ PVC pipe (10 reps); scap depressions (10 reps); then: 3 rounds of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats).

Power. 5 x single broad jumps; 3 x 15-20lb reverse medicine ball toss

3 x double broad jump (w/ pause); 3 x 15-20lb reverse medicine ball toss

5 x triple broad jump (no pause); 3 x 15-20lb reverse medicine ball toss

Groove. 3 sets of: 15 goblet squats + 15 standing DB/KB shoulder press

Stabilize & Increase. 6 rounds for time:

  • Single arm farmer’s carry 20m right arm

  • Single arm farmer’s carry 20m left arm

  • 80m shuttle sprint (sprint 40m to start line and 40m back to KB/DB)

Wednesday - Lunge & Vertical Pull

Warmup.  3 rounds of: 30 sec deadbug hold, 30 sec contralateral deadbug; cossack squats (5RT/5LT); glute bridge (10 reps w/3 sec hold at top of each rep).

Groove.  3 sets of: plate overhead walking lunge (20m)

Then, accumulate 25 pull-ups (as few sets as possible; if you can do this in 2 sets or less, accumulate 40 pull-ups)

Increase.  Aerobic endurance training - 20 minute bike, run, row, versa-climber or stairs @ 60-65% max heart rate (talk-test)

Thursday - Move Under Load

Warmup.  3 rounds of: knee-hug lunge-twist (10m); static inch worm (5 reps); pillar hold w/ hand reach (5RT/5LT).

Stabilize & Increase.  Ruck 4 miles (15 min/mile)

Friday - Hinge & Horizontal Push

Warmup. 3 rounds of: air squat (15 reps); lunge w/ jump switch (5RT/5LT); captain morgans (5RT/5LT)

Groove & Increase.  As many repetitions as possible in 7 sets of:

  • KB Swing - 15 seconds

  • Rest - 15 seconds

  • HRPU - 15 seconds

  • Rest 15 seconds

Run Specific Warmup. 10m A-March, 10m hi-knees, 10m A-skip, 1x400m run @ 50%, 1x400m run @ 75%

Anaerobic Interval Training. 8 Sets of: 30:60s (30 second run + 60 second walk)

Cool-down.  5-10 minute jog or bike

Do you move with precision?  Conduct an assessment.


This website was prepared in a non official capacity. The opinions expressed on this website are the authors' own and do not reflect the views of the Army, the Department of Defense, or the United States government.  This site is not connected with any government agency. The information contained on this site is either open source, the author's opinion, or total B.S.  We are not doctors and will never pretend to be -- any attempt to improve your fitness based on the information contained within this site should first be approved by a medical professional.

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